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Totally Unstoppable, a self-help book for women.

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About Totally Unstoppable

Totally Unstoppable is an honest and refreshing look at life to help you feel empowered to break out of a long cycle of stagnation, blocks, defeating thoughts & beliefs, negative perspectives, and repetitive routines that just aren’t working.

Whether you want to create your next big heart-centered business, begin a new life quest for freedom, or live a more purpose-driven life, you’re about to blast through the roadblocks by adopting a new belief: I am TOTALLY UNSTOPPABLE!

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You’ll learn:

  • The #1 reason even the most “successful” people are stuck when it comes to obtaining the life they really want to live and how to break free from that Stuckcess Lifestyle.

  • The 4 life rules to follow that will help you attain forward movement toward who you were MADE to be and what you were MADE to do.

  • The single most important thing you need to do to achieve the abundance and life you were made for.

  • The secret “superpower” (available to everyone) to get unstuck for good – without having to sacrifice your happiness, health, or passions. 

  • AND-how to do all of this while feeling inspired and like the best version of yourself again – even if you don’t know where to start.

  • Plus, countless beliefs and strategies that will have you feeling empowered and in control of your life moving forward.


Women are FINALLY creating the lives and work of their dreams. They're breaking out of the vicious cycle of exhaustion, building unstoppable confidence, and leaping into their ventures with intention and total clarity. And they're changing the world for the better while doing it. Living their life on PURPOSE, in total alignment with their calling.


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A Note from the Author

I keep hearing the same story from aspiring women entrepreneurs and women who know they were meant for so much more…

I’m stuck.


  • If you’re stuck in thinking mode rather than actually "doing".

  • If you’re stuck in a 9-5 job or dead-end career rather than going after your true desires.

  • If you’re stuck in a toxic relationship rather than choosing yourself.

  • If you’re stuck in a “lack mindset” rather than believing you can be and are prosperous.

  • If you're stuck in a whirlwind of hardships, challenges, and never-ending ruts...

I know you can’t see it yet, but it’s all working in your favor. The best creations come from a little bit of chaos.

I’m never happier for a woman than when she declares herself to be stuck. That’s because she’s on the brink of massive forward movement. Awareness is the first step. She can’t even begin to imagine what comes next. “You’re stuck? Fantastic. Now the real work can begin.”

Here’s the secret NO ONE tells you about creating a wildly successful life:


  • You DON’T need to be skinny, rich, and an Internet sensation.

  • You DON’T need to follow a traditional life plan—9-5, husband, kids, picket fence, dog.

  • You DON’T need to “work extra hard, be super busy, hustle, or grind”.

  • You DON’T need to search a lifetime for your life purpose.

And in fact, some of the most successful people do it without even realizing it because they know no other way to be.

Instead, they:


  • Create their work to fit their lifestyle.

  • Use their natural gifts, talents, and abilities to contribute and thrive.

  • Create passion filled work.

  • Follow a heart-centered life plan.

  • Live life more consciously.

  • See the magic in every experience.

So what is the secret?

I bare it all in my new book Totally Unstoppable.

Now Available

Totally Unstoppable, a self-help book for women.


Have you ever thought: “Is this all there is to life?”, “Why does my life seem to be stuck in a constant loop?”, “Why can’t I move my life forward?” You want to believe that success is possible, but you’re wondering, “What am I doing wrong?” 


Totally Unstoppable is an honest and refreshing look at life to help you feel empowered to create change, receive where before you were closed off, and break out of a long cycle of stagnation, blocks, defeating thoughts & beliefs, negative perspectives, and repetitive routines that just aren’t working.

Whether you want to create your next big heart-centered business opportunity, begin a new life quest for freedom, or live a more purpose-driven life, you’re about to blast through the roadblocks by adopting a new belief: I am TOTALLY UNSTOPPABLE.

Available in Kindle and Paperback.

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